How to get your Low Voltage License in Texas

how to get your low voltage license in texas

If you’re aiming to work on alarm systems, video surveillance systems, or telecommunications networks, obtaining your Texas low voltage certification is a crucial step. This guide will take you through the necessary steps to kickstart your career in the low-voltage industry.

Licensing Overview

In Texas, individuals and businesses engaging in non-exempt electrical work, including low-voltage projects, must be properly licensed. This ensures compliance with state regulations and standards for safety and quality in electrical services. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) outlines that anyone performing electrical work, which inherently includes low-voltage work, must hold a valid license. This includes various classifications of licenses, such as Apprentice Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Master Electrician, and various contractor licenses.

Your Path to Certification

Your journey to becoming a certified low-voltage professional begins once you start working for one of your local security professionals. Here are the essential steps:

  1. Gain Experience Through Apprenticeship: Dive into the real action with an apprenticeship. Think of it as learning by doing. You’ll team up with seasoned professionals who will show you the ropes—from wiring up security systems to setting up smart home tech. It’s all about getting your hands dirty and seeing how things work in the real world.
  2. Work on Various Projects: Grab every chance to work on different projects, maybe as a journeyman, to round out your skills. This mix of learning on the job and tackling various tasks is your golden ticket to becoming an expert in the low-voltage installation world.
  3. Study for Your Private Security Exam: Think of this as your final test, covering everything from installation to safety. With your hands-on experience and some solid study sessions, you’ll be ready. Reviewing your materials, keeping a study schedule, and approaching the exam with confidence is key. Passing this is just a win; it’s your ticket to being a certified low-voltage expert.
  4. Apply for Your License: Gather your documents, fill out your application, and submit to your state’s licensing board. Start at the Texas Online Private Security website. You’ll need to select “Start an Individual License,” then “Unarmed,” and then “Alarm System Installer.” Make sure your personal information matches your ID, and that you have your company’s business license ready before proceeding.
  5. Take the Test: After submitting your application, you will receive a test date and location about three weeks from your application being entered. Prepare thoroughly and go take your test.

Specialized Low Voltage Work

Specific exemptions apply to persons working with class 1, 2, or 3 remote control, signaling, or power-limited circuits, fire alarm circuits, optical fiber cables, or communications circuits, where state licensing as an electrician is not required. However, municipal or regional regulations may impose additional requirements. It’s crucial to note that certain types of work and practitioners are exempt from the state’s licensing requirements, though local regulations may vary.

Renewals and Continuing Education

The TDLR website details the process for applying for a new license or renewing an existing one. License holders are required to engage in continuing education to maintain their licenses and ensure they are up-to-date with the latest standards, technologies, and safety protocols.

Additional Certifications

Keep learning! Additional certifications can open up new doors and opportunities within the low-voltage field. With dedication and the right training, the possibilities are endless.


For detailed information about applying for a license, renewing a license, and continuing education requirements, visit the TDLR Electricians Program pages:


On behalf of the epcom technical team, we’re excited to see where your skills will take you. Remember, epcom is always here to help. We are your one-stop shop for all your integration needs. Hit that like button and subscribe for more insights, and here’s to your success in the low voltage industry!

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Cómo conectar un intercomunicador a 2 monitores utilizando IVMS-4200

1. Primero, agregue sus dispositivos al software IVMS 4200, haga clic en “Online Devices”. Una vez que vea los dispositivos, haga clic en cada uno de ellos y luego en “Add”.

2. El nombre de usuario es siempre “admin” a menos que lo haya cambiado. Una vez que complete la contraseña, haga clic en “Agregar”.

3. Una vez que haya agregado sus dispositivos al software IVMS.

4. Para obtener el número de serie del dispositivo en IVMS, haga clic en la rueda de configuración de la “Indoor Station”. Luego aparecerá un menú.

5. Una vez que se abra el menú, la primera página que verá es “Información del dispositivo”. En la información del dispositivo, los últimos 9 dígitos antes de la letra “U” son el número de serie.

6. Una vez que tenga esta información, vaya a su navegador web e ingrese la dirección IP del intercomunicador de la siguiente manera:

7. Una vez que haya iniciado sesión en el intercomunicador, diríjase a la pestaña “Device Management”.

8. Una vez allí, haga clic en “+Add”.

9. Llene los campos con la información que le solicita.

10. Una vez que complete la información y haga clic en “Ok”, la contraseña de registro debe ser la misma que la contraseña del dispositivo. El dispositivo se agregará a la lista. Aparecerá como “Offline” hasta que completemos el siguiente paso.

11. Para el siguiente paso, abra IVMS-4200 y vaya a la configuración del monitor que acaba de agregar al intercomunicador.

12. Aparecerá un menú con todas las configuraciones del monitor. Una vez allí, vaya a “Network” y luego a “Group Network Settings”.

13. Una vez allí, en “(Main) Door Station IP”, debe ingresar la dirección IP del intercomunicador. Una vez que complete eso, arriba dice “Registration Password”. Coloque la misma contraseña que ingresó para el dispositivo. Luego haga clic en “Save”.

14. Ahora regrese a la página de “Gestión de dispositivos” en el intercomunicador y verifique que bajo “Estado de la red” diga “En línea”.

15. Una vez que tenga esto configurado, deberían poder comunicarse y llamar. Para agregar el segundo monitor, vaya a la configuración del monitor en IVMS-4200 y vaya a “Intercom” y luego “Extension Settings”.

16. Una vez allí, vaya a “Add”. La información que completará aquí es para el segundo monitor; ingresará el número de serie del segundo monitor.

17. Una vez que la información esté guardada, aparecerá en su lista como no registrado. Una vez que esté guardado, vaya a la configuración del segundo monitor. Vaya a “Red” y luego a “Configuración de red de grupo”.

18. Una vez que lo cambie a “Indoor Station”, cambie el número a 1. Después de guardar la configuración, el menú se desplegará, lo que guardará la configuración. Después de eso, abrirá nuevamente el menú de configuración y seleccionará “Network”, luego “Group Network Settings”.

19. Una vez allí, complete la “(Main) Station IP Address”. Esta será la dirección IP del primer monitor, el Monitor Principal. Junto con la contraseña de registro.

20. Una vez que haya guardado la configuración, regrese a la configuración del primer monitor, el monitor principal. Vaya a “Intercom” y luego “Extension Settings”. El segundo monitor debería estar registrado ahora en el primer monitor.

21. Con esto ya registro de manera exitosa los 3 dispositivos

How To Connect an Intercom to 2 Monitors Using IVMS-4200

1. First, add your devices to the IVMS 4200 Software, click on “Online
Devices.” Once you see the devices, click on them individually, then click

2. The username is always admin unless you have changed it. Once you fill out
the password, click “Add”

3. Once you have your devices added to the IVMS software

4. To get the serial number of the device on IVMS, click on the configuration
wheel of the “Indoor Station.” Then a menu will pop up

5. Once the menu opens, the first page that will open is “Device Information.”
In device information the last 9 digits before the U is the serial number

6. Once you have this information, go to your web browser and type in the IP
Address for the Intercom as follows;

7. Once you login to the intercom, head over to the “Device Management”

8. Once you are there, go to “+Add”

9. Fill in the fields with the information it asking you

10. Once you fill out the information and click “Ok.” The Registration Password
should be the same as the device password. The device will be added to the
list. It will be listed as Offline until we complete the next step.

11. For the next step, open IVMS-4200 and go to the monitor settings
you just added to the intercom.

12. A menu will pop up with all the configurations of the Monitor. Once you’re
there, go to “Network”, then “Group Network Settings”.

13. Once you are there, in “(Main) Door Station IP” you are going to put in the
IP Address of the Intercom. Once you fill that out, above it says
“Registration Password.” Put the same password you put for the device.
Then click “Save.”

14. Now go back to the “Device Management” page on the intercom, and
verify that under “Network Status” it says Online.

15. Once you have this configured, they should be able to communicate and
call. To add the second monitor, go to the configuration of the Monitor in
IVMS-4200 and go to “Intercom” and then “Extension Settings.”

16. Once there, go to “Add.” The information you will fill out here is for the 2 nd
monitor, you will enter the Serial Number of the 2 nd Monitor.

17. Once the information is saved. It will show up on your list as unregistered.
Once it is saved, go to the configuration of the 2 nd monitor. Go to
“Network,” then go to “Group Network Settings.”

18. Once you change it to “Indoor Extension.” Change the Number to 1. After
you save the configuration the menu will drop down, this will save the
configuration. After that you will open the configuration menu again and go
to “Network,” then “Group Network Settings” again.

19. Once there, Fill in the “Main Indoor Station IP.” This will be the IP address
of the 1st monitor, the Principal Monitor. Along with the registration

20. Once you save the settings, go back to the configurations of the 1st
monitor, the principal monitor. Go to “Intercom,” then “Extension
Settings.” The 2nd monitor should now be registered to the 1st monitor.

21. After this, you have now successfully registered all 3 devices.

Pasos para crear VLANs con límites de ancho de banda por usuario desde la aplicación de Ruijie

Pasos para crear VLAN con límites de ancho de banda por usuario utilizando la aplicación Ruijie:

1. Abra la aplicación y asegúrate de estar en el proyecto correcto (En este ejemplo, el proyecto se llama Webinar ).

2. Ve a la sección Workspace / Advanced. Desplázate hacia abajo hasta encontrar la opción de VLAN Config.

3. Dentro de la VLAN Config, haz clic en el botón Add.

4. A continuación, nombre el SSID, especifica el ID de la VLAN y configure el IP Range, siguiendo la imagen como referencia.

5. Para completar la configuración, habilita la opción de Límite de ancho de banda por usuario y define los límites de velocidad subida y bajada.

6. Haga clic en “Save” y tu VLAN con límites de ancho de banda por usuario estará configurada y lista para usar.

Steps to create VLANs with bandwidth limits per user from the Ruijie app

Steps to create VLANs with per-user bandwidth limits using the Ruijie app:

1. Launch the app and make sure you are in the correct Project (In this example, the project is named Webinar).

2. Go to the Workspace / Advanced section. Scroll down until you find the VLAN Config option.

3. Inside VLAN Config, click on the Add button.

4. Next, name the SSID, specify the VLAN ID, and configure the IP Range, following the image for reference.

5. To complete the setup, enable the Bandwidth Limit per user option and define the upload and download limits.

6. Click “Save” and your VLAN with per-user bandwidth limits is now configured and ready to use.

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The Evolution of Vehicle Lighting and Safety Systems

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1. Work Lights

Work lights have transformed the way we operate in low-light conditions. These lights are designed to offer a broader and brighter illumination, making it easier for workers to carry out their tasks efficiently, especially during nighttime or in dim environments.

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4. Interior Lighting for Vehicles:

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5. Camera Systems for Vehicles:

With the advent of camera systems, drivers can now have a 360-degree view around their vehicles. These systems are crucial in preventing collisions, assisting in parking, and ensuring the safety of pedestrians and other road users.

6. Backup Alarms:

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The future of vehicular safety is bright, thanks to these innovative lighting and camera solutions. As technology continues to advance, we can anticipate even more enhanced systems that will further ensure our safety on the roads and at work. Whether you’re a fleet manager, a car enthusiast, or someone concerned about road safety, these advancements are ushering in a new era of vehicular safety and efficiency.

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Para agregar el frente de calle GDS3710 en NVR Epcom, sigue estos pasos:

Paso 1: Preparar el GDS3710 para la conexión

  1. Conéctate al GDS3710 a través de un navegador web utilizando la dirección IP predeterminada
  2. Inicia sesión con las siguientes credenciales:
    • Usuario: admin
    • Contraseña: La contraseña debería estar impresa en el dispositivo.
  3. Una vez dentro de la interfaz gráfica del GDS3710, ve al menú “System Settings” (Configuración del sistema) y luego selecciona “Network Settings” (Configuración de red).
  4. Asigna una dirección IP fija al GDS3710 dentro del segmento de red que proporcionará el NVR. Esto asegura que la cámara y el NVR estén en la misma red. Guarda la configuración.

Paso 2: Configurar el NVR

  1. Accede a la interfaz gráfica del NVR. Puedes hacerlo a través de la dirección IP del NVR o conectando una pantalla al NVR a través del puerto HDMI.
  2. Ve al menú de configuración del NVR, que generalmente tiene un ícono de una rueda dentada.
  3. Luego, selecciona “Camera IP” (Cámara IP) o una opción similar en el menú del NVR.
  4. Haz clic en el botón “Editar” (que generalmente se parece a un lápiz) en uno de los canales disponibles donde deseas agregar la cámara GDS3710.
  5. Selecciona el método de adición como “Manual”.
  6. Ingresa la dirección IP que configuraste en el GDS3710 en el campo correspondiente.
  7. Selecciona el protocolo “ONVIF” (asegúrate de que la cámara GDS3710 sea compatible con ONVIF) y proporciona la contraseña que configuraste en el GDS3710.

Paso 3: Revisar el resultado

Una vez que hayas completado estos pasos, el GDS3710 debería quedar registrado en el NVR como una cámara adicional. Puedes verificarlo al acceder a la vista en vivo del NVR y seleccionar el canal donde agregaste la cámara GDS3710. Deberías poder ver la transmisión de video desde la cámara en el NVR.

Asegúrate de que la dirección IP y la contraseña sean correctas y de que ambos dispositivos estén en la misma red para que la configuración funcione correctamente.

Adding GDS3710 Door Phone to Epcom NVR

Step 1: Prepare the GDS3710 for Connection

  1. Connect to the GDS3710 through a web browser using the default IP address,
  2. Log in with the following credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: The password should be printed on the device.
  3. Once inside the GDS3710’s graphical interface, navigate to the “System Settings” menu and select “Network Settings.”
  4. Assign a static IP address to the GDS3710 within the network segment provided by the NVR. This ensures that the camera and the NVR are on the same network. Save the configuration.

Step 2: Configure the NVR

  1. Access the NVR’s graphical interface. You can do this through the NVR’s IP address or by connecting a monitor to the NVR via the HDMI port.
  2. Navigate to the NVR’s settings menu, typically represented by a gear icon.
  3. Then, select “Camera IP” or a similar option in the NVR’s menu.
  4. Click the “Edit” button (usually resembling a pencil) on one of the available channels where you want to add the GDS3710 camera.
  5. Select the addition method as “Manual.”
  6. Enter the IP address you configured on the GDS3710 in the corresponding field.
  7. Choose the “ONVIF” protocol (ensure that the GDS3710 camera is ONVIF-compatible) and provide the password you set on the GDS3710.
  8. Save the configuration.

Step 3: Review the Result

Once you have completed these steps, the GDS3710 should be registered on the NVR as an additional camera. You can verify this by accessing the live view on the NVR and selecting the channel where you added the GDS3710 camera. You should be able to view the camera’s video feed on the NVR.
Ensure that the IP address and password are correct, and both devices are on the same network for the configuration to work correctly.

Hikvision/Video Intercom – Configuring a Door Station for 2nd Generation IP Monitors via IVMS4200

In this technical guide, we will explain the configuration of two monitors and a door station from the new generation of Hikvision video intercom systems.
Before beginning, it’s important to verify and/or perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure all devices, including the computer, are connected to the same network (within the same network segment).
  2. Update both the door station and the monitors to the latest firmware version.
  3. Activate and add the devices to IVMS 4200 version V3.1.1.13 and confirm that they are online.

Note: Updates and software can be downloaded from our portal Once the devices are updated, it’s necessary to restore them to factory settings to apply the firmware update values.

Step 1: Access Remote Configuration (1) on the door station DSK-D8003-IME1 –> Intercom (2) –> ID Configuration (3). Verify that the parameters are set as follows (4).

Step 2: Access Remote Configuration (1) on the monitor DSKH-6320-WTE1 –> Intercom (2) –> ID Configuration (3). Under Device Type, select “Indoor Station.” Assign the room and floor numbers; for example, set both as 1 (4).

Step 3: Next, in the Network tab (1), select Linked Network Configuration (2). In the (Main) Door Station IP Address (3) field, enter the IP address of the door station. Save the changes (4).

Step 4: Access Remote Configuration (1) of the second monitor DSKH-6320-WTE1 –> Intercom (2) –> ID Configuration (3) –> Device No. Configuration. Select the Station Extension tab and assign the extension number (4). Click Save.

Step 5: In the Network tab (1), choose Linked Network Configuration (2). In the Main Door Station IP Address field, assign the IP address of the main monitor (3). Save the changes (4).

With these simple steps, the video intercom system can make calls to both monitors.